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Save Money,

Not Dollars.

The #1 S.A.F.E. Money Solution


With the U.S. debt in the trillions and growing, many people are concerned about our unstable economy and the devaluation of our dollar. To protect and grow their savings and retirement accounts many people are turning to S.A.F.E. Money solutions, like gold and silver, as a hedge against inflation.


When we were kids, many of us played with fake money. Funny thing is, we’re basically doing the same thing now because our U.S. currency is barely worth the paper it’s printed on. In 1971 President Nixon completely severed the gold standard. The gold standard is when a country’s currency is directly linked to the value of gold. With the gold standard in place, a country agrees to convert paper money into a fixed amount of gold. While many countries, like ours, abandoned the gold standard, many banks around the world still hold significant gold reserves. Our gold reserve is in Fort Knox.




Now the problem with abandoning the gold standard is that the government can keep printing more and more of it. And that’s exactly what our government is doing. 


They’re printing fiat money

Fiat currency is legal tender backed by the government that issues it. It’s a promise of value. It gives the government economic control in an attempt to tame inflation. But it may as well be fake money because the government just keeps printing it, literally pumping paper into our flailing economy. The more they pump in, the less it’s worth. The more the dollar loses its value, the less purchasing power most people have in their wallets, savings accounts and retirement portfolios.


The Federal Reserve announced that ‘quantitative easing would be unlimited.’ Basically, they’re saying that they have no intent to stop printing money. This unprecedented printing of money could likely produce a complete collapse of our dollar and/or create hyperinflation. As the value of the dollar declines, so does your true wealth.



So you’re probably wondering, “What’s the answer, Fritz?”

I promote S.A.F.E. Money solutions. Tangible precious metals, like gold and silver coins, are a safe solution because they’re not attached to the dollar. They protect your wealth in any economic climate. Think of them as “wealth insurance” because physical gold and silver create stability in your financial portfolio. They aren’t linked to market fluctuations or dollar value. I think it’s a good idea to have about 10% of your financial portfolio in gold and silver coins. Let me explain why.


First, gold and silver are liquid

If something is liquid it means you can easily sell it. I’m talking about pure gold and silver coins pre-1933. (The U.S. coins in circulation now are NOT pure gold or silver.) If you have gold or silver coins in your possession, the value is based on the price of gold and silver in real time. They’re easy to liquidate, and you can sell them anywhere.


Second, having physical gold and silver in your possession is private

Non-qualified gold and silver coins don’t require state or federal reporting on any level. They are considered private assets, and don’t need to be registered with the state or the IRS.  No one has to know you have them. You can store them in a safe deposit box or in your home safe. Heck, hide them in your house or dig a hole in the back yard. It doesn’t matter. Gold and silver coin possession provides absolute wealth privacy.




Third, gold and silver coins provide true wealth and protection

Having gold and silver coins in your possession provides you true wealth because their value is based on supply and demand.  There are only a limited number available, and the government will not produce more of them. Again, their value isn’t connected to the value of the dollar or market ups and downs. Because they are in limited supply, they perform better than other bullion products. As supply decreases, demand increases, and so does their value. This affords you a valuable asset that won’t depreciate and increases your financial protection against market declines.


Getting your hands on real gold and silver coins can be tricky

Navigating gold and silver coin purchases can be dangerous without proper guidance. I have partnered with National Gold Consultants, one of the nation’s only licensed, regulated and bonded suppliers of gold and silver coins to offer you another S.A.F.E. Money Solution to protect your wealth in any economic climate.


Diversify your portfolio with wealth insurance

Gold and silver are the most liquid monetary asset available and is acknowledged and accepted throughout the world. It can be easily stored hidden or transported. For this reason, owning physical gold and silver represents financial freedom, privacy and safety. Protect your wealth from politics and the whims of unchecked government printing and spending sprees. Consider adding physical gold and silver coins to your portfolio to maintain and protect your wealth. For more information, review the documents here and take a look at the video. Then, give me a call to discuss if gold and silver coins may be a fit for you.


Discover how to diversify your financial portfolio with Gold and Silver by downloading the FREE Buyer's Guide below



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